Humour In Verse

From The warped mind of Emac

Monday, January 16, 2006

Quit Full Version

On and off on and off
Gotta quit smoking
Cough cough cough
Only one more puff
And that will be it
As if that will happen
What a load of ****

Warning on packets rather terse
Give me more oxygen please nurse
One last cry as they wheel me out
Just another cigarette I shout

I can quit I know I can
I also believe in the boogie man
Label says bad for health
Wasted money spent all my wealth

Just one more fag before I go
Priests ready for the big show
Everyone is there to say goodbye
Tears flow as they all weep & cry

All the years of everyone scoffin
About each cig being a nail in my coffin
Oh well it was my life I did plunder
Now I'm headed six foot under


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