Humour In Verse

From The warped mind of Emac

Thursday, March 28, 2019

TGR Episode 9 - The Best Podcast In F@#king, Austria

We're still reeling from E3 2012, and bring down the video game new to a slight roar on this show. We've still got a lot of content to cover, which makes for some heated conversations and rants, so the show isn't lacking in that category. Sit back, relax, and let the stupidity in. It's time for Twisted Gamer Radio!

On today's show:

- Robert Bowling Announces A New Game
- Black Man Or White Man Crime
- How To Apply Makeup To Look Like A Puppy
- Fucked Up News:  Man Holds "Friend" At Gunpoint Over Video Game
- Sound Clip Corner: Chaddy Loses His Wisdom Teeth

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