New Points Are Here! Time To Boogy
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Don't waste your time looking back, you're not going that way. |
Now, let's dive into the previous lists that I tried to build. I'll start with my first love first, Dark Eldar, and then get into CWE, before finally touching on what I would with Harlequins.
1750, using old points:
- 2x Archons with BPs and PGL
- 2x10 Warriors with 2x Blaster, Dark Lance in Dissie Raider
- 4x5 Warriors with Blaster in Dissie Raider
- 2x Razorwings with Dissies
- 3x Ravagers with Dissies
Total firepower coming from the list I built before we saw the points was:
- 19 Dissies
- 8 Blasters
- 2 Dark Lances
- And a healthy amount of Poison shots
With the new points, here's what my 2K list looks like:
2000 Flayed Skull // 12 CP
Archon, Huskblade, BPistol, PGL = 75 (was 69 in same config)
Warlord: Hatred Eternal, Djin Blade
Archon, Huskblade, BPistol = 70
Archon, Huskblade, BPistol = 70
10x Warriors, 2 Blaster, BPistol, Lance = 235 (was 199)
Raider, Dissies
5x Warriors, Blaster, BPistol = 160 (was 137)
Raider, Dissies
5x Warriors, Blaster, BPistol = 160
Raider, Dissies
5x Warriors, Blaster, BPistol = 160
Raider, Dissies
5x Warriors, Blaster, BPistol = 160
Raider, Dissies
5x Warriors, Blaster, BPistol = 160
Raider, Dissies
Razorwing, Dissies = 170 (was 145)
Razorwing, Dissies = 170
Ravager, Dissies = 160 (was 140)
Ravager, Dissies = 160
Ravager, Dissies = 160
Total: 2000 in 9th vs. 1726 using 8th points (+274 point diff or +13.7%)
Before we get into anything else, let's look at the firepower in the new list:
- 19 Dissies
- 7 Blasters
- 8 Blast Pistols
- 1 Dark Lance
- Some number of Poison shots again
We are still sporting the same 6 Raiders, 3 Ravagers and 2 Aircraft, we're just missing some Warriors. The reason why this is so is because GW decided that universally, your basic bitch troop choice needed a points increase. This means that some armies with cheaper troop options like Cultists all took a significant increase, and so did the Eldar. This is even worse on the CWE side, but for a Mechdar list like mine that's been relatively unchanged since 3rd, we're now seeing our basic Warrior going from 6 to 9 points. While that sucks, our Blasters went down to 15 from 17, Blast Pistol went down to 5 from 10, which is huge for a weapon with so much damage potential, and Huskblade now costs the same as a Venom Blade. I'm not kidding about that last part, for some reason, GW decided that the two should cost the same which is actually insane.
Another few things to look at is the Disintegrator Cannons. They are now 25 per on vehicles while Dark Lances are 20. This is pretty much the same with other armies in the game, just a sign that GW still doesn't know how to properly separate good faction design vs. streamlining. I guess that's OK, but its going to take them a few more tries before they start getting good at it. I guess for guess for completeness, lances are the same across all the Eldar factions and twin-whatever is simply 2 of the same weapon in terms of cost as well.
Now, something that's very, very important to keep in mind are expectations. A lot of players out there are flipping out and crying the end of the world before they really have the time to process what's going on. The game: As in when you play with another human, pitting one list against another in a competitive setting, is not determined on points. It depends on player skill, their ability to play objectives, their ability to adapt to the meta, and some good generalship to help ease the RNG portions of the game. When I predicted that DE will be viable regardless of some anticipated points increases (across the board to all armies), I really meant it. As you can clearly see from the before and after lists above, the playing field is essentially 1750 points because I'm literally taking the same units. Very little has changed and the firepower spread is pretty much the same. The only big difference is slightly few Poison shots and shorter range Blast Pistols. However, you will see that this might actually be pretty decent because their a dirt cheap way to put out S8 AP-4 D6 wounds, and technically giving your crappy champ a power fist in CC.
I believe with some good play, the list above can be very good in this new edition. I predicted tanks, monsters and MEQ+ (Primaris/Custodes) and I think we should be building lists that can play against those armies. As a thought exercise, I strong encourage you to start resetting your brain from how you played 8th and focus on missions and meta. Know what players are going to be playing around you and start thinking with tanks/monsters/MEQ+ in mind. You'd be happy to know that the list above, when played correctly, is an absolute terror vs. all of my currently predicted meta choices. While not the strongest in terms of sitting on and holding objectives due to its frailty, it's very powerful when it comes to killy secondary objectives and moving around the battlefield with +3" movement from Flayed Skull. The Ignore Cover will be huge against some of the beefier MEQ+ we'll be sure to see, especially when your entire army packs the tools required to kill those targets cost-effectively.
TLDR: When building new lists, forget what you know about 8th and focus on 9th Ed. missions and meta. Like Ragnar Lothbrok said on Vikings: Don't waste your time looking back, you're not going that way.
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My list barely changed, how about yours? |
Next, let's take a look at CWE. Since the list I wanted to play was Mechdar anyway, let's look at what I wanted to bring vs. what I can bring now. In short, the Wave Serpent and Aircraft list that I wanted to take pretty much stayed the same.
2000 Custom CWE // 10 CP
Farseer Skyrunner, Spear = 140 (was 137)
Warlord: Seer of the Shifting Vector, Phoenix Gem, Doom, Executioner
5x Dire Avengers (Bladestorm, Twin ASC for all DA) = 235 (was 214)
Wave Serpent, Twin Stars, Stones
5x Dire Avengers = 235
Wave Serpent, Twin Stars, Stones
5x Dire Avengers = 235
Wave Serpent, Twin Stars, Stones
5x Dire Avengers = 235
Wave Serpent, Twin Stars, Stones
Nightwing = 160 (was 133)
Nightwing = 160
Warlock Skyrunner, Spear = 70 (was 67)
Protect/Jinx, Focus Will
5x Dire Avengers = 65 (was 58)
5x Dire Avengers = 65
Crimson Hunter Exarch, Stars = 200 (was 176)
Crimson Hunter Exarch, Stars = 200
Crimson Hunter Exarch, Stars = 200
Total: 2000 in 9th vs. 1794 using 8th points (+206 point diff or +10.3%)
As you can see, I'm still piloting a good amount of anti-infantry dakka, anti-tank and taking 4 CWE flyers that I think are still the best in the game. I won't go over this in too much detail, but I did want to mention that the points changes here are very much expected. In fact, call me a Farseer, but this is almost exactly what I had in my list earlier with an added Wave Serpent at a loss of 1 unit of Dire Avengers. Eventually, I decided to go with Spirit Stones on all my Wave Serpents because they're still one of the best vehicles in the game for negating damage and SS just makes that stronger. With my Doomseer, I'll be able to turn key targets into Starcannon food for the rest of the army. This particular choice is interchangeable with Aeldari Missile Launchers or Twin Bright Lances in case your meta sees the need for more anti-tank. All you have to do is drop the stones for that extra firepower. Otherwise, this will be the list I try first once the new book drops.
Before I forget, I just want to give a special shoutout for GW changing Crystal Targeting Matrix. It now does the same thing as the Drukhari vehicles; which is to turn a Heavy weapon into Assault when you Advance. This plays extra nicely with CWE vehicles that have other upgrades like Star Engines or Vectored Engines because you can either advance +2D6 or advance and be -1 to hit from shooting while still being able to fire your weapons. If you drop a Dire Avengers unit, you can buy this CTM+Star/Vectored Engines upgrade package to each Wave Serpent for +15 ppm. Something to think about.
Quick Blurb:
For awhile now, I've kept a small unit of Harlequins to play with as an add-on to my other 2 Eldar armies. The real reason is because all they really had was Bike-spam. As much as I wanted to, I kept my impulses in check and didn't want to go out there and buy a billion bikes just because they were the meta things to play. With 9th and the new points changes, well, I don't think that's going to change for the elven space clowns. They are still going to be spamming 18 bikes a game and that's pretty much the lamest thing you can play, especially on the competitive level. All you need to know is that instead of costing 276 for a unit of 6 with Zephyrglaives and Haywires, you're going to be paying 330. Meanwhile, the rest of the army is pretty much unchanged from 8th when it comes to points.
TLDR again: Yes, points did go up for CWE and DE, but on which units specifically and ask yourself if it really matters. Not every unit in the codex will be fit to fight the upcoming meta so you must adapt appropriately.
TLDR again: Yes, points did go up for CWE and DE, but on which units specifically and ask yourself if it really matters. Not every unit in the codex will be fit to fight the upcoming meta so you must adapt appropriately.
Alright, I'm done. I'm excited about playing with 9th and seeing what my Mechdar can do in the new arena. Out of the two lists presented above, I really don't know which list will do better vs. a vehicle/monster/MEQ+ heavy meta. I think the first list certainly has the firepower, but the second list has the durability and psychic shenanigans that I can use to play missions as well. Really tough choice. I guess we're just going to find out which list is better in the next few weeks!
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